The average American family uses more than 300 gallons of water per day at home. 但是,我曾经怀疑过你是否用对了水? Are there certain types of water that are better for cooking, cleaning, bathing, or for your pets?

水是加拿大28走势图生活中不可或缺的一部分, it’s important to know the right type of water to use for activities and appliances. Here are six ways water is used around the home and how you can make the most of it.


无论你是 给孩子洗泡泡浴 或者在一天的院子工作后冲洗干净, 用软水洗澡效果最好. 硬水中的矿物质, 比如镁和钙, 与许多身体产品的成分反应不良, 通常会在浴缸周围留下一圈肥皂残留物和粘稠的, 皮肤感觉干燥. 软水器可以帮助缓解这些问题. 通过去除有问题的矿物质, 软水使肥皂更容易起泡, 给你一个更干净的感觉和一个闪闪发光的淋浴.

软水也可以改善头发的健康,每次洗澡都能让你的头发光滑有光泽. 硬水会让你的头发感觉干燥、粗糙和卷曲. 这是因为当与洗发水混合时, minerals found in the water form a curd-like substance that sticks to your hair, 就像肥皂渣粘在淋浴和浴缸的墙上一样. 除了, soft water requires less soap to achieve a clean feeling scalp and can actually balance the pH level of your hair.

Soft water can also help you save money on your energy bill without even cutting down on shower time. That’s because the removal of minerals makes heating water in the home quicker and easier, 从而减少能源的使用. 事实上,当与软水一起使用时,燃气热水器已被证明是 效率提高29%.

鱼缸 & 水族馆

你是否有一个一加仑的鱼缸来养金鱼, 或者一个40加仑的盐水水族馆, a great deal of effort and water is needed to maintain the health of your fish and their habitat. Maintaining excellent water quality for your fish involves regularly testing the water and changing it on a weekly basis.

促进鱼的健康,使您的鱼缸处于最佳工作状态, 使用合适的水很重要. Freshwater and saltwater tanks require a specific pH in order to maintain fish health. Too many or too few minerals can cause drastic changes in water’s alkalinity and 硬度, 会改变pH值吗.

虽然水上运动爱好者可能在最喜欢的物种上意见不一, one thing is for certain – water from the tap should never go straight into the tank. 为你的鱼提供一个安全的环境, consider the convenience of a filtration media that works with your tap water to remove chlorine, 氯胺, 硬度, 以及其他可能对水生物种造成问题的有机化合物. Filtration 系统 can keep your aquarium clean for longer and offer better balanced water for your fish.

反渗透(R.O.)水 can also help keep your aquarium looking fresh and maintain the health of your aquatic species, 因为它可以去除对鱼类有问题的杂质. 使用R时.O. water in an aquarium, you can re-mineralize the water so it is ideal for specific species of fish.


有多种尺寸可供选择, 加湿器有助于增加空气中的水分,从而提高你的免疫系统, 皮肤, 睡眠, 甚至让室内植物更健康. 可移植的, plug-in room humidifiers are typically low in cost and can be purchased at most retail locations.

大, 家用加湿器, 也称为中央加湿器, differ from room humidifiers as they require a water supply pipe to be attached to the furnace duct of a central forced air heating system. This connection provides a constant water supply to the humidifier’s reservoir; which automatically refills when low.

就像家里的其他电器一样, 硬水对加湿器内的加热元件是有问题的. 硬水中的矿物质也会在家具上留下“白色灰尘”. Hard water can also promote bacterial growth in the humidifier and cause lung irritation when mineral dust is released in the air.

对于房间加湿器,大多数房主发现蒸馏水效果最好. 然而, using soft water can also increase the effectiveness of room and 家用加湿器 with minimal maintenance. Soft water can help reduce the amount of mineral build-up and keep the humidifier functioning properly.


From preparing family meals to home brewing beer, water use is important in the kitchen. 不管你用的是市政供水还是私人水井, the 硬度 of your water and the amount of chlorine and other chemicals can affect the taste of food and quality of your beer, 咖啡, 还有其他饮料.

硬水会延长准备时间,改变整体风味 你的饭菜. Hard water increases the b石油ing point, which can affect the cook time for foods like beans and rice. 因为硬水中含有过量的矿物质, some people may notice a slight change in how foods taste when used to make meals.

你的水也会影响烘焙. 如果你的松饼变平了,或者你的布朗尼蛋糕没有发起来, 你的水可能是罪魁祸首. Dissolved minerals found in hard water can change the structure of gluten and hinder how ingredients like yeast function, 使面团变得坚韧而有弹性.

If brewing beer is your hobby, it’s important that you have the right water to start the process. 这超越了硬水和软水的基本概念. 事实上, the entire chemical makeup of your home’s water plays a role in how your brew turns out. 钙, 镁, 钠, 氯, 甚至硫酸盐也能改变碱度, 清晰, 还有啤酒的味道. 因为家庭酿造的艺术始于水, 了解你的供水系统中有什么对酿造完美的啤酒至关重要.

The same can be said for 咖啡 lovers who appreciate the aromatic goodness of the perfect cup. 从浅烤到深烤, 口味从温和到大胆, 每个人对咖啡的口味和浓度的偏好各不相同. 虽然有些人可能会认为某些矿物质有助于使咖啡具有泥土味, 森林的味道, 大多数人都会同意这一点 太硬的水会使咖啡难喝. Having the right type of water at the tap can help homeowners brew the perfect cup of joe each and every time.

厨师、面包师和酿酒师都可以从安装R中受益.O. 他们家里的系统. R.O. 系统去除水中的污染物和矿物质, 留给你一个干净清爽的产品,完美的汤, 蛋糕, 和饮料. 了解更多关于R的好处.O. 水在这里.


保持清洁不仅仅是为了你的皮肤. Many individuals prefer to skip the automatic car washes and wash their vehicles by hand in the driveway. Whether you choose to hose off your car or wash with a sponge and buckets of sudsy water, Americans on average use between 40 and 140 gallons of water each time they clean their vehicles.

就像洗澡一样,某些类型的水更适合洗车. 专业洗车通常使用R.O. 水来完成工作. 因为 R.O. 水系统可以去除软水中的全部溶解固体将预浸泡剂和洗涤剂与R结合.O. 水能使车辆光洁如新.

在家洗车也是一样, 因为反渗透和软水使洗涤剂和肥皂容易起泡, 帮助穿透污垢, 石油, 还有你车上的其他碎片. 对于水龙头上有硬水的房主来说, another simple solution for a sparkling car is to towel dry your vehicle to avoid spotting caused by minerals in hard water or the 钠 in soft water.


Soft water has endless benefits for your home and body, but what about your furry family members?

而钙, 镁, 铁, and other minerals found in hard water shouldn’t cause harm to an animal’s health, 最近的一项研究表明,频繁 veterinarian visits for urinary issues and areas of the United States with extremely hard water.

软水器有助于去除硬水中的矿物质, 但有改变饮用水味道的倾向. 就像有偏好口味的人一样, 狗和猫在察觉味道变化方面没有什么不同.

如果你家里有软水,而你的宠物不吃水盘, 你可能需要考虑另一种选择. R.O. system is known to provide some of the best tasting water and may be a great fit for your home if water taste is an issue. 了解更多关于R的知识.O. 饮用水系统和这里的好处.


无论在家里如何使用,有合适的水是值得的. 从R.O. 系统, 水软化剂, 过滤介质, your whole home will benefit when you install the right water treatment system.

加拿大28走势图water - right的专家可以帮助您获得适合您生活的水. 与加拿大28走势图联系 today to learn more about our products and services that can help give you the best water for all your needs.





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